Long nose cat
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Long Nose Secrets: What These Cats Hide? 17 breeds explored!

Long Nose Cat

Are you drawn to cats with prominent noses? Their distinct wide noses or elongated snouts have a unique appeal that captivates many cat lovers.

There’s an undeniable charm to these feline nose shapes. Often, people are tempted to affectionately touch or “boop” these distinctive noses, even if the cats themselves aren’t always fans of the gesture!

This guide explores the intriguing world of cats with notable nose features. It covers everything from cats with large noses and long snouts to those with both big ears and noses.

If you’re considering adding a big-nosed cat to your family or simply want to learn more about various cat nose shapes, this guide provides all the information you need. It’s a great resource for expanding your understanding of our feline friends and their captivating characteristics.

Guide to Big Nose Cat Breeds

According to The International Cat Association (TICA), there are more than 70 recognized cat breeds, each offering unique traits and characteristics. Today, we’ll focus on an often overlooked yet intriguing physical feature: the nose.

While most cat noses appear similar across breeds, some cats boast longer-than-usual noses. Let’s explore 11 of the most charming long-nosed cat breeds, highlighting their distinctiveness and appeal.

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Big Nose Cat Outer Anatomy

There are some intriguing aspects about cat noses that every cat owner might find fascinating!

Understanding these features can also assist in identifying the breed lineage of a rescue cat. For instance, observing the slightly elongated bridge of a cat’s nose, as in my cat Finnegan, could indicate a lineage traceable to breeds like the modern Siamese.

Notably, certain breeds with prominent noses have an extended bridge that reaches over their chin. This characteristic can be a distinctive marker of their genetic background.

Long Nose Cats

Where to Find a Cat With a Big Nose?

Adopting a cat from a shelter offers the chance to bring home a unique and loving pet without the high cost associated with purchasing a purebred.

Many people are surprised to find a diverse range of cat breeds in shelters, each with distinctive nose shapes such as wide bridges or long snouts.

Opting to adopt, especially a retired breeder cat, is not only budget-friendly but also enriches your life by saving one. Moreover, exploring the variety of cat nose shapes enhances our appreciation for the individuality of each cat, making adoption a fulfilling journey.

Cat Nose Shapes and Their Relation to Fur Color

There is no direct relation between the shape of a cat’s nose and its fur color; these traits arise from independent genetic factors. The breed largely determines nose shape, while fur color depends on specific pigment-distributing genes.

By recognizing this, we can appreciate the variety in cat appearances. It highlights the complex interplay of genetics that crafts each cat’s unique features.

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Classification of Long Noses

Cat breeds with notably long noses distinguish themselves through their striking facial profiles. These extended features, while not specifically measured, visibly set them apart from breeds with more standard nose lengths.

Their distinctive noses add an extra dimension of character to their appearance. This characteristic trait enhances the unique identity of each breed, making them easily recognizable.

The 11 Long-Nosed Cat Breeds

Explore the distinctive world of long-nosed cat breeds, each showcasing an elongated facial feature that sets them apart. These breeds, from the elegant Siamese to the majestic Maine Coon, are celebrated for their unique profiles and charismatic presence.

Oriental Shorthair

Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair is celebrated for its intelligence, vocal nature, and athletic build, making it an engaging and dynamic companion. This breed shares traits with the Siamese, adding to its allure with a sleek appearance and a variety of coat colors.

Oriental Longhair

Oriental Longhair

The Oriental Longhair shares its lineage with the Siamese breed group, featuring the same distinctive wedge-shaped head and a lithe structure. What sets it apart is its semi-long, silky coat that comes in a variety of colors, enhancing its graceful appearance.

Central to their charm is their expressive nature, marked by a loud, frequent vocalization, coupled with high activity levels, intelligence, and loyalty, making them deeply engaging pets.


Chausie Cat

The Chausie stands out as a rare, long-legged breed, reminiscent of an Olympic athlete with its agile, graceful physique.

This breed’s deep chest complements its high energy levels, enhancing its capability for prolonged physical activity. The Chausie, a pioneering hybrid between jungle and domestic cats, is celebrated for its intelligence, curiosity, and vigor, making it a captivating and dynamic companion.

Highlander Cat

Highlander Cat

The Highlander, a breed refined since 2004, is notable for its substantial size and distinctive features such as loosely curled ears and a sloped forehead. Their pronounced noses and unique muzzle shape lend a robust appearance.

These cats are playful and sociable, enjoying human interaction while being particularly energetic in games that mimic chasing and hunting, making them a lively addition to any family.

Siamese Cat

Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat, originating from Thailand, is easily identifiable by its medium size, sleek build, and distinctive wedge-shaped head. Adhering to breed standards, the Siamese boasts a long, straight nose that seamlessly aligns with its forehead.

Known for their sharp intelligence, deep affection, and vocal opinions, Siamese cats are extroverted creatures that often form a close bond with a single family member, making them both engaging and loyal companions.

Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is celebrated for its striking appearance, characterized by a predominantly white coat with uniquely colored tails and head markings.

This robust, semi-long-haired cat features a broad, wedge-shaped head and notable pink nose leather. The Turkish Van is known for its sociable, lively nature, and thrives on interaction, requiring considerable attention to remain content, making it an ideal pet for an active household.

Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Cat

The Ragdoll, one of the largest cat breeds, is noted for its moderate long-haired coat, striking blue eyes, and distinctive pointed markings.

These cats uniquely take up to four years to fully mature, and although their noses are not as elongated as others, they are longer compared to many breeds, earning them a place on our list. Ragdolls are renowned for their relaxed, gentle, and amiable nature, often showing a dog-like loyalty to their owners, making them perfect companions for those seeking a low-maintenance, affectionate pet.

Savannah Cat

Savannah Cat

The Savannah cat is recognized for its tall, lean stature and graceful appearance, adorned with dark spots and bold markings on its short to medium-length coat. This breed emerges from the crossbreeding of African Servals with domestic cats, giving it a distinct “wild” aesthetic.

Savannahs are known for their playful and friendly demeanor, exhibiting a fondness for water and developing strong bonds with their owners, but they require ample space and stimulation, making them less suited for every home environment.

Cornish Rex Cat

Cornish Rex Cat

The Cornish Rex is renowned for its distinctive soft, wavy coat and a small, egg-shaped head disproportionate to its body. This breed is often noted for its “Roman nose,” characterized by a prominent, curved bridge when viewed in profile.

Cornish Rex cats are known for their curious and lively nature, and their high affection and people-oriented demeanor require significant attention to keep them content, making them ideal for interactive and attentive households.

Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian Cat

The Abyssinian cat boasts a medium build and regal stance, marked by its lithe, muscular body and slightly rounded wedge-shaped head. This slender breed is characterized by a long nose, which ideally aligns in a straight line with the chin when viewed from the side.

Abyssinians are known for their friendly, curious, and dynamic personalities, thriving on engagement and requiring ample toys and interaction to prevent boredom, making them ideal for active and interactive households.

Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue is recognized for its sleek, wedge-shaped head, large ears, and a color palette ranging from light, shimmery silver to dark, slate gray. Their short, dense coats, which distinctly stand out from the body, add to their elegant appearance.

While typically quiet and reserved, especially around strangers, Russian Blues are curious, calm, and affectionate without being overly clingy, making them suitable companions for those who appreciate a more independent feline personality.

Bengal Cats

Bengal Cat

The Bengal cat, an exotic breed derived from the crossbreeding of domestic cats and Asian Leopard cats, showcases a wild appearance with spots, rosettes, and a glossy coat.

This breed combines the striking looks of the Leopard cat with the amiable nature of domestic cats, featuring a long, lean body and a slender face marked by a distinctive long nose. This unique blend of wild beauty and friendly disposition makes Bengals popular and cherished pets.

Sphynx Cat

Sphynx Cat

The Sphynx cat is distinguished by its unique hairless quality and friendly demeanor. Despite its lack of fur, it is known for being affectionate and timid. Its prominent nose adds a distinctive charm to its appearance.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon, affectionately known as the “gentle giants” of the cat world, stands out with its large build and bushy tail. This breed, one of the oldest in America, is believed to have been brought from Europe, possibly by Vikings.

Its friendly nature and distinctively large nose make the Maine Coon not only a striking presence but also a beloved companion, embodying the unique beauty and personality that different cat breeds offer.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat, often confused with the Maine Coon because of their similar large sizes and long coats, is believed to possibly share ancestral links with the Maine Coon. Known for its substantial and athletic build alongside a notably large nose, this breed stands out in the feline world.

They are known for their dog-like behaviors—being sociable, attention-loving, and good with other pets. Such unique characteristics highlight the diverse and engaging nature of cat breeds, enhancing our fascination with them.



The Burmese cat, hailing from Burma, represents a delightful blend of Eastern allure and Western sociability, refined through crossbreeding with Siamese cats. Despite its medium stature, the Burmese is surprisingly robust, with a well-muscled body and dense bones.

You’ll be drawn to its large, expressive eyes, typically in shades of yellow or amber, and a broad nose that enhances its appealing appearance. These distinctive traits make the Burmese cat easily recognizable and highly cherished.

Balinese Cat

Balinese Cat

The Balinese cat, a long-haired breed with point coloration similar to the Siamese, features striking bright blue eyes. This breed is known for its sleek body, large ears, and long nose, combining stunning physical attributes with a charming personality.

These qualities make the Balinese one of the most beloved cat breeds, celebrated for both its beauty and its amiable nature.

Cat Nose Shapes: A Natural Imprint of Uniqueness

Cat nose shapes vary widely, serving as a natural stamp of uniqueness among different breeds. Each shape, from the broad noses of Burmese cats to the elongated ones seen in Siamese, highlights the diverse genetic heritage of these feline friends.

These distinct nasal features not only add to a cat’s aesthetic charm but also play a role in their sense of smell. Understanding these variations can enhance our appreciation for each cat’s individuality and breed-specific traits.

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Cat with wide nose bridge

Cats with wide-nose bridges often possess a distinct and striking appearance, setting them apart in the diverse world of feline breeds. This feature contributes significantly to the facial structure and overall expression of a cat.

Such a nasal characteristic not only enhances their visual allure but may also influence their olfactory capabilities. The width of the nose bridge can affect how a cat processes scents, making it a functional as well as aesthetic trait.

Conclusion/Summing Up Big Nose Cat Breeds

In conclusion, cat breeds with larger noses boast a unique and endearing charm. Despite their prominent snouts, they are as affectionate and playful as any other feline friend. These cats exhibit a range of nose shapes—from elongated to square and broad—reflecting the diversity found in feline physical traits.

This guide to big-nosed cat breeds enhances your understanding of these distinctive animals. Now, you can more fully appreciate the special qualities that set these cats apart and make them such beloved companions.

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